
Looking for Talent


Looking for Talent

We bring great talent to your organization for success & Growth

We have an unique internal business processes for searching, evaluating, presenting and placing the IT professionals for Accounting Technologies,  HR Technologies and Financial Technology professionals. All our recruitment team members are functional subject matter expertise in accounting, Finance, HR or technologists who moved to recruitment after putting years of experience in those functional areas.

We have the cutting-edge technologies, proven internal processes and people and reach of the large firms with the agility, personal touch and energy of the boutique firms.


Why Choose Sedona IT Solutions?

Why Choose Sedona IT Solutions?

We have been living and working in technology for decades. We have seen the high highs and the low lows. Working successfully with our clients from start-ups through mid-stage and Fortune 500 companies, we are talented, experienced and skilled professionals who will work with you throughout the process, identify your needs and deliver results.

We have superior access to the best talent. We have the resources, reach and brand of the large firms with the agility and personal touch of the small firms. Our connections are current and deep. We utilize all current advances in research, technology and social media. We have deeply invested in state of the art tools and our international proprietary database to track talent. We have a speed; energy and unmatched agility that you deserve to get you the absolute best talent.



Get in touch today and see what Sedona IT Solutions can do to take your career next level.


Get in touch today and see what Sedona IT Solutions can do to take your career next level.

Contact US

Our address

25957 Donovan Dr
Chantilly, VA 20152
United States